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Cybersecurity Assessment

A FREE Cybersecurity and IT Systems
Assessment from US Medical IT


For All Prospective Clients Who Want To Put Us To The Test!

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What is included?

As a prospective customer, we would like to offer you a FREE Cybersecurity and IT Systems Assessment! During this assessment we will perform a comprehensive audit of your entire network to look for potential problems, security loopholes, spyware and other hidden problems that will cause the computers on your network to run slow, act funny, crash and lose data.

The assessment will take less than one hour of your time to complete. After we’ve compiled the results, we will schedule a one-hour follow up meeting with you to present the findings, deliver the written report, and answer any questions you might have.


We will complete:

  • A 36-point assessment of your compliance readiness in cyber-security,  incident responses, mobile device security, business continuity and more.

  • An analysis of your current HIPAA compliance efforts.

  • A review of your system backups to make sure they are working properly and CAN be restored quickly in the event of a disaster.

  • An analysis of your current anti-spyware/anti-malware to ensure it is running the latest version and is actively monitoring for infections.

  • A scan of the Dark Web for stolen usernames and passwords that cyber-criminals can use to break into your network.

  • A check for security updates and patches to validate that your network really IS secure.

  • A review of your firewall and security settings.

  • A visual analysis of your server room and cabling to make sure your network is PHYSICALLY safe and set up properly.

  • A check of your overall system performance, space and settings to see if your network is running as fast as it could be.

  • And provide you with a detailed report with actionable items for corrective measures.

Let's Do It!

This is a no-cost, no-risk opportunity to see what liabilities are hiding in your IT environment. You will find out what areas of your network need work on and how much it will cost to fix them. This is a no-cost, no-obligation, just information offer.

Fill in the form and we will get the ball rolling today!

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